Candid Vs Traditional Braces

Grand Rapids Candid Clear Aligners

A straighter smile is now more achievable than ever. You don’t even necessarily need metal brackets or wires either. Our Grand Rapids cosmetic dentist offers Candid clear aligners to teen and adult patients who are dissatisfied with misaligned teeth but want a more discreet alternative to traditional braces. 

Candid Clear Aligners Provider Grand Rapids Mi

Here’s what you need to know.

Treatment With Candid Aligners

Much like with other forms of orthodontic treatment, successful results depend on your commitment. You will need to wear your clear aligners for at least 22 hours a day and only take them out for eating, drinking beverages other than water, brushing, and flossing teeth. 

Approximately every 2 weeks, you’ll switch to the next aligner set in your series unless you’re told otherwise by Dr. Burggraaf. In-person checkup appointments at our Grand Rapids dental office aren’t scheduled when you choose Candid. Instead, we’ll monitor your progress remotely through the CandidMonitoring™ mobile app. 

Treatment as a whole will take 4-12 months on average though every patient is different. The final set of aligners that you receive will become your retainers. They will help keep your teeth in place and maintain your new smile.

How Long Does It Take to See Results?

Though it can take time to see more dramatic results, most patients will notice tooth movement almost immediately after they start to wear Candid clear aligners. If you have a less severe crowding problem or your teeth are only mildly crooked, it can take as little as 4 months to achieve desired alignment. 

Dental Issues Treatable By Candid

In general, patients best suited for Candid aligner treatment are those who have teeth that are:

  • Gapped
  • Crooked 
  • Crowded

Most mild to severe tooth misalignment cases are effectively treated with Candid clear aligners but it’s important to note that not all patients are proper candidates. If Dr. Burggraaf finds that you have bite issues like an overbite, underbite, crossbite, etc., we may refer you to a trusted orthodontist in the area. 

Before getting started with Candid, Dr. Burggraaf will meet with you during an initial consultation to observe your current smile and take digital impressions. If you’re deemed a proper candidate, we’ll send these impressions to a lab for aligner production. You should receive your personal aligners after a few weeks. 

Candid Clear Aligners Dentist Near Me

Ask About Candid For Yourself Today

Having metal braces put on and regularly attending orthodontic appointments doesn’t work for everyone’s schedule. That’s precisely why our Candid dentist in Grand Rapids, MI, offers clear aligner treatment to patients. If you want to learn more about how Candid can benefit you specifically, call KB Family Dentistry today at (616) 241-2659 to request an appointment.